Blue circle with greeen alligator and Lyle Creek Elementary School
Engage. Inspire. Empower.
Parents' Corner
Buses lined up at curb

Parents, this corner is for you!

Click on the links above to view the topics that matter to you. If you need to help with anything, please use our handy staff directory and reach out to us. 

Connect with your child's education through Infinite Campus!

We have seen first-hand that family and parent engagement is a leading driver in students' academic success, and the education research supports it. That's why Catawba County Schools provides a user-friendly web application to help parents and families become more involved in education. You can check your child's attendance reports, grades, and other items from any computer, any time, using Infinite Campus. You can also download a mobile app that is available to parents and students to download for free. Please click here to learn all about Infinite Campus.


Passport to Technology

Are you curious about the types of technology tools being used by your children each day?  Click below to view Lyle Creek's Technology Explanation page for videos created by Lyle Creek's own teachers and staff.  It is our desire as a staff to help you and your child be successful with classroom learning and we hope this website will do just that. Have fun exploring!

Passport to technology